Dear First Name (or Solar Company)
As a creditor of SunPower have you taken all the necessary steps to Perfect Your Lien Rights in the SunPower Ch 11 Proceeding?
Step 1. Record Your Mechanics Lien.
Step 2. Notice of Lien Perfection of Security Interest.
Step 3. File Your Objection to Specific Motions and Obtain a Court Order that protects Your Rights in Specific Collateral
Need help? Ask your legal counsel to contact us, or contact us dorect at 1-800-432-7799 for assistance.
Has your counsel taken the above steps or other actions your likely recovery will be pennies on the dollar.
To learn how NLB helps you secure your receivables in the SunPower ch 11 or on any project nationwide.To navigate these requirements, efficiently and cost effective please call 1-800-432-7799. Ask NLB about creditor teaming possibilities to save money.
Filing a lien is crucial to perfecting your status as a secured creditor, if you or legal team need you or your counsel timely file the necessary notices and objections in the Chapter 11 proceedings.
If you or your general counsel requires any support to help to help you through the ch 11 process or other projects please call 1-800-432-7799 for assistance.
Best regards,
National Lien and Bond
Protecting National Subs and Suppliers Since 1986