Terms and Conditions For Access National Lien & Bond LLC (“NLB”) NLB’s Nationwide Network of Notice Providers, Lien Preparation, Filing, and Legal Services: Liability Limitations: National Lien and Bond Claim Systems, a division of Network’S0, Inc (hereinafter referred to as “NLB”) does not guarantee or in any way represent or warrant the information transmitted or received by third parties, or the services to be received by you (hereinafter referred to as “customer”). Customer acknowledges and agrees that the service provided by NLB consists solely of providing an online mechanism for Customer to access a national filing network which may in appropriate cases involve attorneys and/or notice services. NLB is not in any way responsible or liable for errors, omissions, inadequacy, delays, interruptions in the information transmitted or received, or for any damages resulting therefrom, whether or not NLB or is responsible for such errors, omissions, inadequacy or interruptions. In the event any error is attributable to NLB or to the software, equipment, or any and all other services provided by NLB, the customer shall be entitled only to a refund of the cost for preparation of any notices. The refund shall be exclusively in lieu of any and all other damages or remedies against NLB. You acknowledge that as Customer you consent to and approve NLB as your agent to forward your claim form to the appointed General Counsel to initially review the recommended services Customer requested. Customer agrees to follow through on the requested service sent to General Counsel’s office and/or local counsel’s office by verifying a file was opened You agree to verify that your file was opened by obtaining a receipt or an acknowledgment that a file was opened. As law firms must clear conflict of interests, a file will not be open and a law firm will not accept you as a client. nor will the law firm will perform any services until a file is reviewed, opened, and approved by the law firm recommended to you as Customer by NLB. Further, You as a Customer must agree by acknowledgment in writing to the law firm to approve recommended services be taken on your file. By consenting to the law firm You consent to General Counsel’s receipt of a 20% referral fee from local counsel for all caseload management, reimbursement of third party marketing costs, internal staff, and business expenses incurred. Upon your approval, NLB forwards the claim form to General Counsel for initial review, pricing based upon and in reliance upon your approval of these Terms and Conditions and Liability Limitations stated herein.

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